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St. Mary's Fund

As we embark on another exciting school year and reflect on our remarkable 30-year history, we are elated to launch our St. Mary’s Fund annual campaign: “Celebrating 30 Years, Making a World of Difference." This campaign is more than just a fundraising effort; it serves as a call to action for every member of our school community, our families, faculty and alumni.

At St. Mary’s School we are committed to providing an exceptional education that prepares our students with the tools to make a positive difference in our world. To continue delivering on this promise, we rely on your support of the St. Mary’s Fund. Your contributions allow us to continue to say YES to new ideas and programs, and to attract and retain exemplary faculty who continually inspire our students.

Our school is dedicated to developing world-sized hearts and world-classminds, and the St. Mary's Fund is an essential part of achieving this mission.

Your donation directly supports low student-to-faculty ratios and our ability to hire exceptional faculty to carry out our mission. With your help, we can provide an exemplary education that cultivates innovative ideas and state-of-the-art resources for teaching and learning practices, all without being held back by operating budget constraints.

Unlike tuition, gifts to the St. Mary’s Fund are tax-deductible. We rely on contributions to the Fund from Trustees, parents, grandparents, parents of alumni, faculty and staff every year, and we expect 100% of our families to partner with us in providing an exceptional educational experience for our students. How much each family contributes is a personal decision, and our hope is that every family is able to be as generous as possible given their financial circumstances. Gifts range from under $1,000 to over $25,000, and every gift, of any size, has a direct impact on all St. Mary’s School students.

The St. Mary's Fund's contributions are used immediately to provide impact and supoort towards our Strategic Pillars including:

  • A transformative learning ecperience for our students.
  • An innovative campus that is flexible, safe and environmentally responsible.
  • A broad educational program that develops the whole child.
  • A premiere International Bacccalaureate Program.
  • Exceptional professional development for our Faculty and Staff..
  • A contiued sense of community among students, families, faculty staff and beyond. 


Giving Levels

  • Visionaries Circle: $25,000+
  • Millennium Circle: $10,000 – $24,999
  • Head of School Circle: $5,000 – $9,999
  • Sustainers Circle: $3,000 – $4,999
  • Benefactors: $1,500 – $2,999
  • Patrons: $1,000 – $1,499
  • Supporters: $500 – $999
  • Friends: Up to $499
(All donors are recognized in the Annual Report on Philanthropy. Donors who give $5,000 or more are invited to the Leadership Reception the following Fall.) 





Bring or mail your donation to the Development Office:

As a 501 (c)(3) corporation, gifts to St. Mary's are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law, tax identification number 33-0771131
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Ways to Give

There are many ways to speed your gift to support St. Mary’s. If you don’t see an option below that best fits with your family’s needs and tax circumstances, we will be happy to discuss other alternatives with you. As a 501c3 corporation, your gifts to St. Mary’s are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.