Technology & Innovation
Technology is woven throughout the curriculum to ensure a deeper connection to the content as well as create opportunities to demonstrate creativity, design thinking and problem solving skills.
The use of innovative technologies is essential in our quest to educate students into global citizens. At St. Mary’s School, we strive to expose our students to a diverse range of operating systems, hardware and software, while emphasizing the importance of being responsible digital learners. We also encourage our students to seek innovative resources that expand their minds and bridge the gap between distances. Our balanced approach of teaching concrete skills and providing opportunities for our students to explore creates an authentic learning environment.
St. Marys’ students begin their journey with digital literacy in Grade 1 where they are introduced to plagiarism and academic integrity by the Librarian and Director of Information Services. Students in grades 5-8 participate in an annual Information literacy bootcamp that reinforces the IB ATL skills (research, social skills, communication and self-management) as well as the MLA conventions. These skills are further supported by all grade level and subject teachers.
St. Mary’s Middle School is equipped with two specialized Design Spaces that contain the latest technology and innovation tools to support teaching and learning. The unique spaces have digital fabrication tools including 3D printers, laser cutter, sewing machines, vinyl cutter, robotics as well as crafting and everyday found materials. These Spaces provide a unique environment for creativity, innovation and design thinking. Students thrive in these environments as they tinker, build, discover and invent.