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Portrait of a Graduate

Our Graduates...
  • possess a deep respect for humanity and the world in which they live. They recognize the unique worth and beauty of all human beings. They respect that the world is populated by a rich variety of people with diverse religious, cultural and economic backgrounds. They are tolerant, empathetic, fair, forgiving and honest.
  • are prepared to thrive in a process-based, collaborative world. They are grounded by an inquiry-driven, interdisciplinary, concept-rich curriculum, preparing them to lead lives as courageous, independent thinkers who communicate effectively.
  • understand that service and action are the outward expressions of inward convictions.
  • are on their way to well-chosen higher education and, most importantly, lives that transcend the ordinary.

Respect, Humanity, Diversity & Our World

Prepared Independent Thinkers

Tolerant, Fair, Empathetic & Honest

Service & Actions are Expressions of Conviction

Inquiry & Process Driven; Effective Communicators

Higher Education; Transcend the Ordinary